Gridley Revival has some big exciting news for 2024: Sauces, Shops, and more!

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A Memphis Family Legacy

Back for a new era

Our mission is to bring back the flavors that made Gridley’s a Memphis staple, one step at a time

So, who are we exactly?

The original Gridley’s family… and some new members

Continuing Clyde Gridley’s vision

Gridley’s founder, Clyde Gridley, was committed to bringing the highest quality food and service to the table when the original restaurants were opened in 1975. While we don’t plan to reopen the restaurant at this time, we’re trying to bring back some of the magic you could order decades ago.

Reviving the classics, with some new favorites

While we can’t promise to bring back everything that was served in the restaurants, we’re putting all of our effort into giving the original Gridley’s patrons and anyone who didn’t get a chance to meet us yet a chance to taste classic Gridley’s favorites and some new ones we’ve refined over the years.